Sunday, December 7, 2008

Parrot World & Human Survival

*** S U R V I V A L ***

These are one of the smartest birds in the world with brightest colours.

Photography brings out the best of these brids to share with others .

If we human follow the excellent relationship of these birds and live in harmony without looking at skin-colour of each other, then the world would be peaceful.

We need to see beyond skin colours and religions for the sake of human survival, and live together in harmony for the benefits of mankind

Even these birds are of different colours (some in red tone) but of same species as in human but they are both living in harmony and in peace.


JayJay said...

Dear Mr. dSLR artist:

I am honored to post a comment on your blog, since I have accidentally put two of your pictures in mine. To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for your daughter Cecelia, I would not have written this note at all. Also, I hope that I didn't break any copyrighted laws, since I used the print screen method to get the pictures. Anyway, if you do check your blog at work, expect a warm welcome from your daughter when you get home, and a browser with my blog url on it. :) Thank you so much for your time and patience, and I hope that we can be friends anytime soon.

Yours truly: Lim Jay Vern

Unknown said...

Thanks Jay Vern for the kind words.
Enjoy those images. rgds